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Three (3) More Protocols Coming Together - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal – 4
Today I employed a new medical basket to hold the latest protocol information and my Dr. Heidi folder with historical info. I find that...
Grump - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal - 3
The Grump is an aspect of chronic illness that I rarely share. I'm not doing so today so that you'll feel bad for me, but because it is...
Life Gets in the Way - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal - 2
Isn't that how it is for all of us, though? Life happens, and it can get in the way. The difficulty when you are as sick as I am is that...
Just when things are going well – Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal
I did get the hanging shelf to augment the missing dresser top up yesterday (similar to the top shelf in the pic above.) It took me three...
Dr. Visit, Recap and Step 2 - Cleansing and Intro to Intranasal Antifungal
I got a gold star at the doctor's yesterday. Yay me! Here I was beating myself up because I couldn't do this eating thing Perfectly. That...
More Success!! - Update on Cleansing - 16
Here's to getting ready to move on! I see the Mold Specialist day after tomorrow and am really looking forward to that. For a quick...
More Success! - Update on Cleansing - 15
Wow! My friends' example of willingness to do whatever it takes has galvanized me! Yesterday's cravings were difficult. Today I'm...
The Gift of Desperation - Update on Cleansing - 14
I believe there are several reasons why I am successful at eating since I wrote my last post. 1) My measurement of successful eating each...
Cleansing is Working! My report on a Successfully Energetic Day - Update on Cleansing - 13
I had an energy success last Wednesday that I could not have pulled off in memory - so clearly I am feeling better even with my eating...
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