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Three (3) More Protocols Coming Together - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal – 4

Today I employed a new medical basket to hold the latest protocol information and my Dr. Heidi folder with historical info. I find that printing everything including her appointment notes is helpful.


So that you can visualize why I’m bringing this up -

I use my laptop anywhere that is comfortable.

I spend up to 20 hours per week working on my medical "stuff," much of which is computer-based. I also run a couple of web sites and dabble in some other technical work.

Most days I use the laptop on our couch and have found a small laptop table that has room for my little cat (7.5 lbs.) to sleep underneath and so that my hands are not too high, and my eyes are not too low. My shoulders have been doing much better since this purchase.

My roll table is also for a laptop and I’ve been using it for years. It has been usurped by the new desk and so now holds my to-do basket, miscellaneous office needs and my morning routine items.

Last week I ordered what I needed to get next-steps in motion.

As a result, the various packages to overcome the cost-prohibitive compounding of Itraconazole, my “how-to” notes and documents were overflowing the top of my to-do basket. It was driving me slightly crazy. What was in there again?

It has been true for as long as I remember that I can't function if I'm not mostly organized.

Thus, the repurposed basket.


The Doctor said I can put together the Itraconazole myself and add it to my current Allergist's NeilMed nasal washing system. I will send this information to my Allergist on Monday when I can get back into their patient portal.

Thankfully my food scale has mg’s and tear weight, so I will be able to easily put this together:

Itraconazole 100 mg tabs (by prescription), EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) and Xylitol, both of which I was able to purchase a high enough quality online.

This is the recipe:

  • Itraconazole 40 mg (pull two tablets apart, weigh out the 40 mg into five (5) custard dishes)

  • EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) add 75 mg from the bag of powder to each custard dish.

  • Xylitol powder add 5 mg to each custard dish.

  • Put each custard dish’s contents into a snack bag and write the date on all but one of the bags.

  • Put the stored snack bags into a dark sealed container.

  • Take the first bag and add it to my NeilMed concoction and carry it with me around the house, using it as often s I can each day (minimum two (2) times).

There is another item, specific to my situation, that I need to dissolve in Distilled Water and take every night, so that’s in the new basket, too.

On to the Cholestyramine (Charcoal’s replacement for bonding). I have worked out that if I wait until noon before I take my first dose, my morning anti-depressants do not seem to be negatively affected. The Cholestyramine bonds to Everything.

Also, if I have my last helping by 5:00 pm, it doesn’t seem to mess with my evening meds. Ah the joy of menopause.

So, at noon I make a smoothie and add two (2) of my daily servings. Then I take it with water (remember that 150 – 200 oz’s of water I’m trying to drink per day) at around 2:30 pm and 5:00 pm.

As it turns out, this is tough medicine. It can make me feel out of it and take a toll on my stomach and intestines if I’m not drinking lots of water and having plenty of fiber each day.

I find that getting four servings down is still a challenge.

For instance, today when we had our grandson I wasn’t feeling great anyway, just one of those days. We had our coffee and breakfast before he arrived so I took care of my morning pills.

He got here at 8:30 am and we were off and running. I had made a “go” bag but really struggled with feeling okay all morning. We went to the farmer’s market where he loves getting a carrot and chewing on it while we buy fresh fruits and veggies. We followed that with a trip to the independent toy store downtown. I felt like nothing was going to help but more water, so I kept drinking.

Then at 11:00 am I gave up and my husband and grandson took me home. I was so exhausted that when I got in the house I dropped everything in the kitchen, make sure I had my phone and water, made it upstairs and crashed until 2:00 pm.

Now I’m having my smoothie at 2:00 pm instead of noon and you can figure out what happens – I’m missing one fourth of my prescription.

This is certainly an improvement over the last week of trying to incorporate this bonding agent into my cleansing process!

It is, as they say, "one day at a time" and doing my best.


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