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Mold Infection - Final Word? Post #52
I have been through so much since last I wrote from my little country town outside of our state's capital, I don't even know where to...
Big Update Mold Infection, Post #51 (I clearly meant to post this in October)
I cannot believe the last time I sent something out was July! Here we are trucking full-speed into the holidays. Although I never aspired...
Mold Infection, Post #50
I apologize for my absence, I have been taking care of myself. I spent two months on the coast working on my physical and emotional...
Antibiotics, Cleansing and COVID-19 #48
This is most likely my last posting until I return ‘in-land’ in early July. I am at the coast working on my spiritual growth, so I am...
Antibiotics, Cleansing and COVID-19 47
Life continues to treat me excellently, as I hope it does you. I am even more grateful today than I was at the last posting. My meds and...
Antibiotics, Cleansing and COVID-19 46
Life continues to treat me excellently. I am so grateful today for everything. I am laughing at myself because I was so frustrated and...
Antibiotics and Cleansing 45
My life is so full in a good way. While I am still unable to seriously work, my energy continues to slowly climb upward (this is not a...
Detoxing and the Limbic System – Antibiotics and Cleansing 45
Realizing that my “burnout” was a real thing (see the first article from the last blog) and that I had already incorporated the 14...
The two articles (the next two blogs) outline what I've been doing for the last couple of weeks!
5 Ways to Bring Yourself Back from Burnout If Only There Were an Extra Hour in the Day - Step by Step Instructions If you want to receive...
If Only There Were an Extra Hour In The Day...
by Geraldine Sealey Note: I could not find an electronic copy of this article online, so am using my friends' torn out pages - kind of...
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