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Mold Infection, Post #50

I apologize for my absence, I have been taking care of myself.

I spent two months on the coast working on my physical and emotional healing May and June, so moved everything off my plate in order to attend to that, including blog postings. The end to my marriage is devastating for me and much sadness, grief, and feelings of abandonment are just now slowing down to a dull roar, and no longer affecting my every-day life.

Now I am living in the country outside of our state's capital, which is perfect. As per usual, I didn't Plan to live here, exactly, so it's amazing that I am here. Right where I need to be. Every time I smell the cleaner than clean air waft in my window at night my body sighs with comfort.

I returned to Dr. Heidi July 1 and have re-tested. We are going to move from the antibiotics (the Wheldon Protocol) to the next phase of the healing. I will let you know what that looks like.

I will re-calendar my blog for every-other-week, as that seems to be a good interval.

Thank you for being here!


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