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Life Gets in the Way - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal - 2

Isn't that how it is for all of us, though?

Life happens, and it can get in the way.

The difficulty when you are as sick as I am is that you can't add one item in a day and "pick-up" the thing that fell off your plate at another time very easily. I'm already at full capacity.

You might say that I should cut back - but I am trying to live life to its fullest and I do factor in time periods for such changes. Still...

For instance, on Wednesday's we like to go to our daughter's house or dinner to see the family. She lives a little way out of town, so it takes time to drive, and they eat early because our grandson is still young.

With my husband's work schedule he's lucky to get off by 4:30 on Wednesday's and we meet up downtown and then head out.

I bring whatever she needs to augment her dinner.

This is one of the things I'm talking about. My sauna and water aerobics are M/W/F at 3:45 pm. I get done at 4:30 pm, and I don't know about you, but getting a quick shower to rinse the chlorine off and then getting your clothes on over your inevitably damp skin takes some time. So even if I'm out of the pool lickety-split, I'm not done until 4:45 pm. On Wednesday I'm already late.

Yes, they do have other water aerobics times that I have tried and they do not work. They either get bumped off my schedule regularly or are during my bodies' low time and I can't get myself to do it. I'm in nap mode.


A Note on Naps

Since 2001 it is true that I require naps, at first during the weekends, then a couple of times a week and now every day, sometimes twice. People say things to me like, "nice."

Well yes, it is nice if you don't mind feeling like you have the flu and absolutely cannot function another moment and Must lay down. The minute you close your eyes you are out. Sometimes it's a challenge to get my alarm set before I go out.

A week ago I was so unexpectedly exhausted (after all of these years I'm usually pretty good at knowing when these things happen) I had to take a nap in my car before I could drive home. I would have been an unsafe driver.

The only time I've ever caused a car accident, this was in my 20's, I had an 102-degree fever and was trying to get home from work.


Next Wednesday I believe I'll try to do my sauna and then 30 minutes exercise and get out at 4:15, giving myself that time to get ready and drive the short distance to downtown. Some is better than none.

But this week I slept through my class time, ran to the store, and was just downtown when I was supposed to be. It was tight!

Charcoal to Cholestyramine

The other slight challenge has been the change from Charcoal to Cholestyramine and I'm finding drinking one scoop (I'm up to two scoops per day of the four) in-between my meds is tough. It's more complicated than adding or subtracting pills from my routine.

Nasal cleansing

Regarding the Nasal cleansing, I am still working with my doctor on that. The compounding was cost prohibitive, so we'll see what she recommends.

More updates on Monday!


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