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More Success! - Update on Cleansing - 15

Wow! My friends' example of willingness to do whatever it takes has galvanized me!

Yesterday's cravings were difficult.

Today I'm fighting a bit of a sore throat, which could be my infection or a cold. I'm also protecting myself since this is my seventh day of abstinence from "white stuff" and it is usually when I cave in.

As a result I am staying home today and taking care of myself as well as doing tasks at home.

This will go far in helping me to eat appropriately and getting rid of that sore throat starting.

As soon as I reach two-weeks (14 days) of abstinence, which will be the end of next week, I will shift my focus to the next item on my get well list.

Regarding mold in my atmosphere we are continuing to clean as much with our EC3 mold cleaner and using the laundry additive that continues to make a big difference.

Because I am getting rid of one dresser I purchased a shelf this week to hang up and am putting that up tomorrow, divesting the top of my tall-boy of, well, nearly everything.

It will be great to be less cluttered. Then I need to work out the two baskets of clothing I have left in front of the closet.

We also need to clean out the antique table we use in our dining room right now. There is a drawer that could be infected.

I look forward to more good news next week!


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