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Just when things are going well – Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal

I did get the hanging shelf to augment the missing dresser top up yesterday (similar to the top shelf in the pic above.) It took me three weeks.

Today I need to complete the setup on the high-boy’s top and the shelf. Figure out where to put other items.

While in Portland I did eat a couple of items I shouldn’t have. An ice cream/cookie sandwich and a scone.

This has thrown me for a large loop as I feel like my *ss has been kicked since I returned early evening on Wednesday. It may also partially be the change in weather.​


A friend of mine said, “Maybe you really can’t eat heavy sugar – it actually makes you sick!” Ummm, yeah. It would be great if my addicted mind could remember that!


To help I will make a list of “treats” I can have that are not sugar-laden. Gluten Free (GF) pasta with pesto, a baked potato or a little popcorn.

I like the Cholestyramine as a replacement for the Charcoal binder although I wonder if I took it too close to my meds that could explain some of my feeling off as well. I will do some research on my specific meds and how long I should wait.

It is my experience that taking a downward turn like this is usually not one thing, but several.

For the nasal cleansing we are working on getting the Itraconazole put together.

I am looking forward to water aerobics and a sauna today!!

Until Friday.


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