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Detoxing, Decreasing and the Limbic System – Antibiotics and Cleansing 39

Limbic System Retraining or Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS)

I finished my goals for DNRS so have all the homework done.

In addition, I had a delightful conversation with my friend who sent Annie’s info to me originally, and she had been struggling with some of the same things I had.

She and I both marveled at our lack of positive memories. I have three beach memories that are not from a particular time or trip but are a compilation of memories from the beach. One is flying my trick kite years ago before I was re-married, one is sitting with a cup of coffee in my hand and my feet up on the rail of wherever I am staying at the beach and another is dancing on the beach. All of these are memories that I am certain I have from the past as the beach has always been a joyous place for me.

After we talked a bit about our memories and our POP’s I felt better and more empowered, and apparently it worked well for her, too! I checked back in with her and she said she finished her DVD’s!

Since the last post I had not napped except this last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday and Saturday were 45-minute rests and Sunday I felt like I was coming down with something. I even had a sore throat so allowed myself to sleep for a few hours and woke up feeling much better.

Yesterday I slept for another 45.

One difference is that I did not immediately do my exercises when I felt the symptom of tiredness. I need to get back to that, I just couldn’t make myself do it. I also do them in my head sometimes and really haven’t been counting those.

6th Update on the Wheldon Protocol

My doctor’s appointment was helpful.

Dr. Heidi suggested Aloe Vera caps with my Doxy to combat the upset stomach and those are working splendidly. I haven’t had an upset stomach since I started taking them.

A week ago Sunday, the first day after my appointment to fast, I didn’t have the Aloe Vera yet so didn’t fast, and this Sunday I just plain forgot! I put a reminder on my calendar for this weekend.

The last two weeks, unless Friday through Sunday was this, I haven’t noticed any Doxycycline Detox (Herxing) so I think our decision to add the Azithromycin, 250 mg’s three times a week, at the beginning of September is right on.


I went down to the 150 mg’s per day at the last posting and really haven’t noticed a huge difference. With everything else going on, though, I’m not surprised and am pleased.


I have been having a heck of a time managing all my health tasks each day.

A friend of mine turned me on to a free habit building app that I am using for the items I tend to have challenges completing daily.

As you know, I have lots of alarms I use for a variety of things as well.


Recap –

  • In addition to taking medication at 6:00 am, 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:45 am, 3:00 pm, 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm, I have the following tasks on my daily to-do list:

  • For my 12-step programs pages 86-88 daily.

  • For my overall health, walk and/or stretch daily with arms, squats and my “tennis elbow” strengthening.

  • Sometimes when I get off-track during the day, I can forget my Charcoal Powder (3pm).

  • I find it challenging to complete the DNRS exercises each day and only manage 15-30 minutes.

  • I seem to either get the exercises done or the journaling, but rarely both on the same day.

  • Fish oil 4x/day and the second Niacin at dinner are challenging to get in every day. I’m adjusting how I’m putting those out for the day to try and help.

  • Refrain from sugar is often a challenge.

  • Mat (this is the iMRS mat referred to in a previous post).

  • Nose rinse.

  • Badass exercises (this is my manifestation work).

  • Work 12-hours per week - a girl must make some money.

  • 12-step Program – as much as I’d like to skip meetings all-together, I know from experience that I need three per week at a minimum. I’ve been putting off finishing my steps (10, 11, and 12) in one of the programs.

  • Life – you know, the grocery store, medical appointments, fun, etc.

With all of this I have been teetering on the edge of overwhelmed-ness.

Taking a tack I’ve used in the past I’ve had to just be okay with whatever I get done. I prioritize my to-dos throughout the day and try to take it easy.

That’s the latest!


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