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Detoxing, Decreasing and the Limbic System – Antibiotics and Cleansing 38

Limbic System Retraining

Last week I started my Limbic System Retraining. I chose the training by Annie Hopper called Dynamic Neural Retraining System (

Annie says in the beginning that it will take 14 hours over four days to complete the DVD’s. Maybe that’s what it takes for other people, but for me it was 20 hours over 5 days. I cleared my schedule and began last Thursday, August 1st.

Each day I did as much of the curriculum on the DVD(s) as possible doing the homework assignments that applied at night. Some days I would get through two sections, other days, two DVD’s.

It is difficult coming up with the verbiage she’s asking you to write! Some days I felt fairly confused, and others it would be okay. She does, gratefully, have lots of examples.

Also, I found skipping sections did not work well for me. I would end up going back to watch the video or re-do a section.

I didn’t need to be talked into the fact that we have neuroplasticity. I already have overwritten and re-written so many things in my head that I know this to be true.

But coming up with my own positive memories that didn’t have any funk attached was more difficult than I would have liked. Admitting to the POPs (Pathways of the Past aka Identifying your Limbic System Trauma Loops) that I use every day was also a bit difficult.

When Annie first introduced this, I thought, “I don’t have any POPs! I’m so positive!” Surprise! I think any of us who have been chronically ill for one reason or another have them.

Then she asked me to not only follow a bit of a complex path with things to say and gestures at every step, but she asked me to figure out how to introduce the feeling of my challenge (Chronic Fatigue) each time, working my way up to heal. I’ll just say that all of this has taken time.

I still have my goals to set, and I will do that this weekend. Then I have completed all the homework.

Until yesterday, I had slept way less than I had been, and I had just returned from two days out of town, so that is always extra.

For the previous seven days, I took three naps, and each was short. 45 mins – 1 hour.

I firmly believe that some of this is due to the Limbic System retraining I’m working on.


Here’s a little story –

I’ve been camping to cut back on the costs of going north for my doctor’s appointments, to see my mom, etc. I got this perfect two-person Coleman that has a rain fly. The thing I’ve noticed as we’re spending a lot of time in the 80’s, that with the rain fly on the tent it makes it a lot warmer inside.

There was absolutely no rain in the forecast Wednesday night, which I would believe because it’s just been hot, hot, hot. So, I made the decision to leave the rain fly off.

I slept beautifully that night after finishing the end of the final DNRS DVD and doing some of the exercises.

At 6:00 in the morning I felt this little bit of wet hit my face. Then a few moments later, again. I opened my eyes and sure enough, it was starting to rain. I laughed feeling grateful that I'm not so sweet that I melt.

It usually takes me a good 30-45 minutes to pack everything up and this morning was no exception rain or no rain.

Long story shorter I got everything done and was on my way an hour later, no worse for the wear except my hair and clothes were damp. Ah curls, they just get even happier once they’ve been wet and dried naturally.


5th Update on the Wheldon Protocol

My appointment with Dr. Heidi went well. We’re dealing with a weird thing that showed up on my blood tests the last couple of times, and we went over everything else.

As you know, last time I talked about my upset stomach and Dr. Heidi says 2-4 Aloe Caps with each Doxy will fix that. I tried to get them this morning at the store and they only had liquid, which sounds horrible. I will order them online today.

I updated her on the Doxycycline Detox (Herxing), and we decided together that it’s okay to continue forward. I’m to email her in a month and tell her how the Herxing has been going.

If all continues to go well, we will go to the next phase of the Wheldon Protocol, adding in Azithromycin, 250 mg’s three times a week, next month.

I will continue to practice the DNRS daily for 6 months.

I will continue to take the Cholestyramine to bond and expel and the Charcoal powder to help with the cleansing. I am also taking Niacin (and yes, flushing), and will continue with that process to help with the Cleansing. Plus, everything else.

In addition, I am going to add a fasting day each week – Sunday. This should take care of the blood test weirdness.

I will continue to try and do everything possible to take care of my body, avoid sugar and work out.


And, BTW, I’m still decreasing on my base-line antidepressant. Whee!

Today is my first day of 150 mg’s per day instead of 300 mg’s per day. We did step down 75 mg’s last month, so I didn’t just drop off 150 mg’s per day. So far, the affect of this drop is slight.


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