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Detoxing and the Limbic System – Antibiotics and Cleansing 44

I committed to every-other week and this is the first time in a while I missed a posting. I’m super busy in a good way.

Three weeks ago I launched my web site, Women’s Employment Advocacy (.com) ( and that’s been keeping me very busy. Just the social media felt like quite a slog through deep waters! I’m set for now, though.

It’s so exciting to be working again! Even just a few hours a day for myself. I love to work at something that is fun and exciting.

Limbic System Retraining or Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) (

I continue to try and complete my exercises daily. I probably get them done 5-days a week. You would think that 20-30 minutes of exercises wouldn’t be a big issue, but with everything else going on I’m struggling to get it done!

I no longer feel the pull of Chronic Fatigue (I can now work out more what is what as things heal) and I am so, so grateful for that.

11th Update on the Wheldon Protocol

Going Really Well!

This protocol is difficult on my stomach and my body, and I’m starting to really, truly feel better. It’s no longer, oh that was an “old-type” day. I

haven’t had one in a while. I can’t remember the last time, actually.

Each day I continue to rest or more likely, sleep for an hour. One or two times last week my days were so full I didn’t get to rest and I missed it, but I didn’t feel exhausted or brain-dead. Yay me!

When I did feel tired a few days last week it was a good kind of tired. From doing too much, not from being sick.

Also, when we went through the time change (I surely hope this is the last one, ever!) it really messed with my sleep. For three weeks I was waking up in the middle of my REM sleep! I hunted down my old Monroe Institute's Hemi-Sync CD's ( and am hoping to pick them up next time I'm out of town.

Desperate, Sunday night I finally took 25 mg of an over-the-counter sleeping pill that is approved by my doctors. I did that for three nights making sure I took them early (like at 7:00 pm) so that I didn't feel sluggish in the morning.

Last night I did not take a sleeping pill and had a hard time getting to sleep, but then slept through to the alarm, about five (5) hours. I feel okay this morning.


I paid (money I didn’t really have, you know) for a Hypnotist outside of town who cured a friend of mine from smoking to work on my sugar addiction. Between the Mold Infection (aka candida on steroids) telling me I needed to eat sugar and my addiction to sugar, I was simply sick of myself.

I was sick of fighting it every day, thinking about it all of the time and the yo-yo effect on my body of feeling better/crappy/full/starving, whatever.

I am doing So Much Better after only two session. Totally worth it! I have one more on Monday. It’s amazing to watch him work! I think this week he cleaned out some really old stuff, which is awesome!


This week I’m on my workout schedule although last week as I went north for two days I didn’t work out at all. The drive and the schedule is tiring every time. Always do the best I can, so no need to beat myself up!

It is hard on me to drive two and a half hours each way - and last week the first hour and a half I drove in dense fog where I could only see two (2) to four (4) car lengths in front of me. When it finally burned off I realized how busy the freeway was!

I was aware of staying in the left-hand lane because of the fog and following a line of cars (at a safe distance as we were flying along) grateful that the person in front of me knew how to drive in the weather and wasn't a brake-rider or whatever. In the right lane I would see an 18-wheeler as I got close, then pass a few car lengths and another 18-wheeler would loom out of the fog, but didn't realize there were vehicles everywhere. It's amazing how much clearer the freeway is when you can see.

That's all the good news for now!


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