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Detoxing, Decreasing and the Limbic System – Antibiotics and Cleansing 40

Limbic System Retraining or Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS)

I continue to feel a little better all the time.

Blue Heron hunting - on my walk the other morning.

(Photo of Blue Heron hunting - on my morning walk the other day.)

What works best for me, I’ve found, is taping several versions of my exercises and following along with those instead of reading it from my wall and then coming up with in-depth descriptions of a memory and the future.

  • I am waking up earlier, before my alarm.

  • I am staying up later and am getting eight (8) good hours of sleep per night.

  • I have cut out the 12.5 mg's of over-the-counter sleeping pill I've been using off and on for a while.

  • I’m allowing myself to nap if I do three exercises first and am only sleeping for about 45 minutes. I set an alarm and often wake up a few minutes before it goes off.

  • My brain is quite a bit clearer.

  • I feel more hopeful.

7th Update on the Wheldon Protocol

I did message Dr. Heidi that I still think my Herxing on the Doxycycline is done and asked about adding the Azithromycin, 250 mg’s three times a week. It’s been a holiday weekend, so she’ll get back to me most likely tomorrow.

The Aloe Vera gel caps seem to be making a big difference with my stomach.

Finally, yesterday, I tried to fast and was partially successful. Dr. Heidi said it may be difficult at first so not to worry if I can’t go all day. I’ll try again next week.

Regarding working out and going to the gym, I am feeling so much better in the morning that I am going to try a 7:30 am water aerobics class on Wednesday.

It would be good for me to do that three days a week and stretch, etc. at home. I can also sauna while I’m there and that will pull the infection out of me.

Lots of pool showers!


What I said last time about the 150 mg a day of Effexor was incorrect. Each day I seemed to creep a little downward until the end of last week, when I lost it and thought, “maybe I’m too low on my anti-depressants?”

After sleeping on it I decided that I couldn’t possibly go any further down, so I called my doctor. Later that day I received the letter from my insurance company saying they would not approve the new meds. This was the second letter, after our appeal.


My doctor totally agreed that going back up to 300 mg a day made sense, which he had me do immediately.

Today I am feeling so, so, so much better. I won’t be doing that again any time soon!


Saturday night I went to a garden party from 5 – 7 pm.

I cannot remember the last time I went to something like that and I really enjoyed myself, outside in the warm evening breeze with a band playing.

I wore a yellow party dress, my western sun-hat and some really high shoes that are amazingly comfortable.

It was great.



This aspect of my life is slightly improved.

Taking myself less seriously definitely helps. I don’t get it all done every day and that’s okay!

The tracking program I'm using showed me that my daily 20-minutes on the mat is what I am missing the most. I thought about that, and this weekend I did rearrange my bedroom area so that my mat is much easier to use. It feels like that is a help!

I allowed myself to take it easy this weekend and do what I felt like doing for the most part, so really slacked on my usual list of items. I made sure I did what I needed to (i.e., take all my meds), but didn’t worry about much else.

Tomorrow, it's back on the horse, so to speak.

Here’s to feeling fantastic!!

Blue Heron's mate I found a little way down the walk.

(Photo of the Blue Heron's mate a little way down the walk. You can see he/she is getting ready to head out as I'm only about 10 feet away and they usually don't allow people that close.)


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