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Detoxing, Decreasing and Death – Antibiotics and Cleansing 37

4th Update on the Wheldon Protocol

This post is rather late. I wrote it and wrote it again and was just not happy with the results.

I woke up this morning knowing what the problem is! I work out many issues, large and small, in my sleep.

So, here’s the deal.

I’m miserable. As you may know, it is against one of my personal rules to allow myself to wallow. Unless I need to cry, of course.

Some days the feeling of being left out, like when your mom and dad made you come to bed at 7:00 pm even in the summer when all of the other kids were still out playing until dark, can be crushing. It's like that over and over. I hang up my party dresses and my smile that takes a lot of energy to use anyway, and stay at home.

I can spiral down from here. Pull up! Pull up!

This is exactly why I cannot allow myself to wallow.

The upset stomach is continuing many days.

Ironically, a plain ice cream sandwich seems to be one of the few things that help if it’s bad.

Ironically, I say, because as you may well know from previous posts, I am addicted to sugar and have been slowly winning that battle over the last few years. Now here I go adding fuel to the candida-like black mold fire.

After many conversations and a lot of thought, I realize that whether I have an ice cream bar or not comes down to Motive.

Why do I want the ice cream?

· Is my stomach cramping up?

· If not, then I don’t need it.

Also, I am not having a pint of ice cream with a bag of cookies, I am having one ice cream sandwich.


It's groundhog day.

Each day I get up at 6:15 am and pull myself out of bed. Take med pack #1. Get a caffeinated beverage and sit on the couch waking up. I try to watch a show and then make sure I have breakfast. Take med pack #2.

Currently by 7:00 am or 7:15 am I am back in bed (see Decreasing below), up at around 9:00 am when I take my first Doxycycline (med pack #3).

At 9:00 am my goal is to get up and go for a walk – which did not happen this morning because it’s already blazing hot outside. I probably actually walk a few days a week. When I don’t walk during this time, I take a mat and meditate.

Followed by a shower and the mat if not done, and in general, get ready for the day – empty the dishwasher, start the laundry, check the calendar, etc.

At 10:00 am I need to be working and at around 11:30 am I make a smoothie with Cholestyramine (med pack #4) and do some more work.

Typically, by around 1:00 pm I am napping again getting up between 2 – 3:00 pm. Then it is time to drink my charcoal powder with juice (med pack #5).

This is when I endeavor to take care of personal items like phone calls that need to be made during working hours.

At 3:30 pm on Tuesday and Thursday I have a standing appointment. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I work on my to-do list.

At 5:00 pm I take my other Doxy set of pills (med pack #6) and get dinner ready. I need to eat about 30-minutes after I take these pills.

After dinner sometimes I watch TV, balance my check book, or go to bed early.

I take before bed meds from the fridge (med pack #7) and my night-time pills (med pack #8).

At night I read a little, do my DVD exercises, and check to be sure the items on my white board that I need to complete each day for total self-care are done. Or done to my satisfaction.


What it feels like when I feel crappy is that I can barely accomplish these few things. Some days I end up not working at all (!?!) and have difficulties functioning in general.

Detoxing. Blecht!


Since last post I added to this medication mix decreasing off my base serotonin anti-depressants and that ads some fun.

No, I’m not doing this with the above to torture myself, I am doing it now because of a medical insurance change I have coming in October.


That’s a cheery subject, right? But it is a reality.

People can die from a black mold infection. If you harken back to (or look on the attachments tab) the 16 horrific symptoms, the mold infection infests every organ and system in your body.

In early June the Seattle Children’s Hospital had another death due to mold in the operating and equipment storage rooms (link to ktla Seattle article).

In 2016 both a western Pennsylvania hospital (link to CBS article) and two University of Pittsburgh Medical Centers (link to Fox article) experienced the same issue.

The hospitals explain these deaths from mold as a result of the immune system weakness due to surgery.

What about the 25% of people who are susceptible to mold infections? Sigh.


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