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Retreats – Antibiotics and Cleansing 34

Update on the Wheldon Protocol

Week three of the Doxycycline, NAC and Charcoal Powder in addition to the cleansing. I have experienced a notable improvement while some days are like “old times.”

The Doxy eliminates bacterial fragments called endotoxins and releases metabolic toxins. As you can imagine, on these “detox” days I find myself back a year.

Week one I had four days that were better energetically and cognitively than, well, than I can remember. That’s saying a lot. I try to lie down during these days to rest because I know I need to, and I don’t sleep and have a hard time even lying there. So much to do, right?

Then I had two detox days. Sleeping all night 9+ hours and then sleeping once or twice during the day two to four hours. Gosh, that’s just like over a year ago when I first went to see Doctor Heidi. So, I don’t despair, I just sleep.

Then I went another four days feeling good and two days down again.

The amazing thing, though, is that I spent two days and two nights in Portland last week without any naps and then went to my women’s retreat.

At the retreat, which was awesome for me this year, I finally was too tired to continue Friday night at 8:30. This is the end of day three of no naps. My roommates said when they came in later, I was out. O – U – T out. I don’t remember a thing.

Saturday, I didn’t feel great so I went to take a nap at noon thinking I would get up for the 1:00 pm workshop I wanted to attend. Nope, I slept until 2:30 pm.

Then the Saturday night speaker came, and I couldn’t stay up a moment longer.

Sunday, I felt pretty good again although I took it easy when I got home and beside a quick run to the grocery store, I sat on the couch with the cat.

Monday I was okay, slept in the morning for a little and laid down mid-day. Did laundry and straightened out my camping gear, out-of-town stuff, etc.

Today I feel well. I may get used to feeling this good and eventually forget what it was like having to sleep every day.

I never want to Truly forget, and, I don’t want to live there anymore.


The women’s retreat this last weekend is something I look forward to all year.

I went into the weekend excited to have my meals provided, about seeing friends’ I haven’t seen for a while, in some cases a year, and to meet or get to know other women better. It was a great time.

Recently I turned my manifestation focus to creating the monetary means so I can be of service to others. As you know I am working right now on manifesting great lifelong health.

I didn’t come this far and have my life completely set on its ear over the last six years to stop now.

As I was heading north on Wednesday to see my doctors’ and my mother, I was finishing one of the books I mentioned in my last post.

When the author, Jen Sincero, asked what I think of when she said the word money; three things flashed through my mind. Fear, mother and want.

Mother. While I was at mom’s I asked what she thought of my response and we didn’t come up with a whole lot except for good stuff. The only challenge or “block” I could think of is that my mother has provided me with a lot of money all my life. I always pay her back, though.

Want. Of course I want money, who doesn’t?

That leaves the fear.

I am confident that I am worthy; that I deserve as much money as I need, whether that’s a million dollars or a billion dollars, to provide me with everything for my health and to be of maximum service to others. I know that I am talented and can manifest as much as I want to manifest.

I wonder what my block is about?

At the retreat I journaled and talked with women about the important things in life. I had time to contemplate this question of money and how I feel about it.

As I was returning home, I got the answer to my dilemma of the block around money.

I asked the universe to bring up whatever might be holding me back around the question of earning money so that I can deal with it, and that I would really appreciate it if we could address it now.


A good friend of mine threw tarot for me on Thursday – you may or may not already know how completely skeptical I was in the past of Tarot because it was “way out there.”

However; it was with an open mind that I watched and listened. I received the burning tower (again), which, as you can imagine, is jump or burn up and I prefer to jump. Every time. It is the tower of change.

I had awakening and many other cards that completely mirrored where I am right now. I was impressed! I certainly cannot read Tarot like that.

The last card that represents what is coming for me regarding the reading, which was all about my current challenges and awakening, was a rainbow with people looking up at it and it felt beautiful and boundless, happy and carefree. I have never, ever received the rainbow before. I didn’t even know the deck had one. I thought Tarot only had challenge cards… okay, I’m kidding.

I’ll take it!


Beach energy came up while I was at my doctor’s. One of the few consistently positive memories I have growing up are the beach vacations we took in the summer. I collected shells, sand dollars and agates. Happy times.

He asked about my shells that were packed away somewhere. We talked about the women’s retreat at the beach, but he also wanted me to have some other time on the coast.

As a result, I rearranged priorities and over the last two weeks I went through my storage and got rid of some items while reorganizing others. I found my shells from over the years and made space for them on my shelf.

Then an opportunity came up to spend next weekend at a friends’ condo in exchange for taking her teenage daughter to her summer job on the coast. Five days and four nights of quiet bliss with WiFi. My perfect kind of space.

In addition, my friend is coming next month to be there when her daughter is done working and I get to go over and spend a night in that same condo.

Their condo is both on the river and the ocean and is full of good memories and lots of healing.

My cup runneth over.

Here’s to Manifestation!


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