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Wheldon Protocol & Car Buying – Starting Antibiotics and Cleansing 33

Wheldon Protocol

I have upped my game in regard to the Black Mold Infection. This week I started on the Wheldon Protocol (attachment) beginning with

the Doxycycline, 200mg/day.

Before you think this is unwise because it can affect the potency of antibiotics in the future and my stomach, I want to say that when I can’t get through each day of my life all of that doesn’t matter. I refuse to waste away because I’m afraid to get medically aggressive.

In addition, I’m adding N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) that is an amino-acid as per the instructions and have begun drinking powdered activated charcoal that is something like 60 x more potent than the pills I was taking. I also changed to much stronger probiotic and added turmeric to my daily regimen. I’m also taking daily fiber more often to help with all of this.

Dr. Heidi came back from the first ever Mold Infection conference with great new information (like the charcoal powder).

We have been working on the natural approaches for a year. Of course, I haven’t been able to consistently do everything because I’m so sick, so it’s a catch 22… I am continuing those treatments in conjunction with the Wheldon Protocol.

I can tell you that on day six (6) of taking the antibiotics et al, I already feel much better.

Fitting everything I need to take into my day is interesting -

Doxycycline (D) needs to be kept away from dairy and vitamins like multi and calcium/magnesium. This includes bananas (mid-day smoothie).

Cholestyramine (C) is a bonding agent that will bond to everything in my system, including medications. While most of what I take are supplements, there are some medications. I take just under 20 different pills/powders per day.

My medication schedule now looks like this -

  • 6:00 am - first batch of morning pills including most of my prescriptions and the 50+ vitamin (separate from both D and C).

  • 7:00 am - second batch of morning pills (much smaller – one med and supplements).

  • 8-9:00 am - 100 mg Doxycycline (on an empty stomach).

  • 11:30 am - smoothie with my daily dose of Cholestyramine, thus far I am up to three (3) of the four (4) ideal dosage (separate from everything else).

  • 2:00 pm – active charcoal powder in juice.

  • 5:00 pm – 100 mg Doxycycline (on an empty stomach).

  • 8:00 pm – night-time pills including a few meds and Magnesium/Calcium (separate from both D and C).

With all of this going on, who has time to, well, do much else?


Stress and Car Buying

I wrote last blog about the stress of trying to figure out what I am doing about my car situation. I totaled my car going 30 mph in construction on March 23. It was a 2010 and kind of slid under the trunk of the car ahead of me. I was grateful it was totaled because that is less hassle then trying to sell it for less than it was worth. This way I received its total value. Yay me!

Like most things the last few months, this did not go as smoothly as one would guess. We could not find the title in our boxes and replacing that was a big, huge pain in the rear. Took about six (6) weeks and multiple sets of paperwork. Meanwhile, I was paying for a rental because my three-weeks of insurance coverage had run out.

After a pendulum exercise (here’s a link to my friends’ directions), though, I knew I needed to stay here another 11 months and put off my 5th wheeler living plan. Not my first choice and everything happens for a reason.

Honestly had I tried to do the RV in the next few months that would have been super stressful, too.

I’m just now starting to feel like I can manage things most days.

Sometimes I forget I’m not super-woman and can’t plow through everything no matter what. I forget I left my phone booth and my cape behind a number of years ago. Being sick for 18 years will do that to you. It changes your entire life.

Speaking of which, I read some fantastic books lately, which I sent out to a group of friends, so if you’ve already seen this please scroll down😊

  • Present over Perfect - Shauna Niquist

  • You are a Badass - how to stop Doubting your Greatness and start living an Awesome life - Jen Sincero

  • A Higher Loyalty - James Comey

  • Bad Blood - John Carreyrou

Back to the car. Once I received my check I hit the internet looking for a good used car. It made sense to me to invest the down-payment I was going to make on a truck into a car that I can sell later. In a year, say, the down-payment will still be in the value of the car. If I keep the car longer, then I’m just paying for transportation.

I figured out two things. Carfax, which I’ve been aware of and used periodically over the years has used vehicles listed on it. You can filter by Certified, single owner, no accidents, service record and much more. Then Carfax, like what Kelly Blue book does but not nearly as integrated, assigns a value based on its criteria and you can compare. For instance, anything south of Salem was two to four-hundred higher than Carfax’s suggested retail. Anything Salem and north through Vancouver was at or below suggested value.

In searching for vehicles, I found one I liked here, one I like there, but they were all over the map. Of my two favorites online that day they were 70 miles away from each other requiring some driving through the usual big-town traffic, which is no small thing. I needed something more like multiple cars in one place.

I’m poking around the internet and realize that CarMax is different than Carfax. My brain was grouping them together on the search engine results.

So, I look at CarMax’s web site and aha! There are my multiple cars all in one place. I remember seeing the garage full of cars thinking it looked like a car vending machine.

I am a great negotiator, which takes energy, and I am also tired and stressed and needed the transaction to be of value for me – at about what Carfax recommends - and easy. I needed an extended warranty, so I didn’t have to worry about coming up with hundreds (or thousands) of dollars if something went terribly wrong. I needed a car that was certified so I knew it had been gone over with a fine-toothed comb and didn’t have to take it to a mechanic for a thorough going-over. I needed to get in and out quickly – two hours or so since I am up for two days. I made an appointment with the guy, “Mac,” who answered the phone.

CarMax did all of that! I was showing a friend of mine my used car yesterday, she recently moved from San Diego to the Oregon coast, and she said, “how much did you pay for that?” I think I told her $11.5K, but it was $11.9K. Good either way. She couldn’t believe it. So, I told her about the rest of the “stuff” that CarMax offers and how easy it was, and she was delighted…

I was grumpy when I went into CarMax not having had a good experience purchasing a car since some time in the 90’s, and I was smiling when I came out.

My salesperson was good. I did get in and out in two hours, including him helping me return my rental car!

It was easy for me. No stress – the price is the price – I got everything on my “must-have” list and am happy with how the car drives. Very good on the corners. So, if you need it easy like I did, try CarMax. Even if you must drive a couple of hours, it’s worth it!

Until next time.


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