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Change in Plans: Picking up the Pace and Alignment with Spirit – Still Cleansing 32

My title will change next time as I’m going to see the doctor about upping my mold infection treatment plan.

Without taking an hour to explain, I had to do some paperwork to get financial relief and it didn’t exactly go as smoothly as one would think. I went back to the lawyer and asked what do we do now?

Meanwhile, I had an entire day of absolute panic. How was I going to deal with this? What if somebody decided I needed to return to work when I can’t even seem to get through each day? Where had I gone wrong?

When I went through my internal check-list it came back that my mold infection is a big part of the problem.

I have been working on cleansing for a year now. While I have had some improvement using the natural approach, it has apparently not been enough. So, I went back to the information from my mold specialist and decided on a more aggressive antibiotic treatment. I sent her an email outlining my thinking and she agreed.

By the time this posts I will be getting ready to head north again for my doctor’s appointment to get going on this.

More on this new treatment later.


Over the last few decades I’ve had more than my share of challenges and disappointments. I realized over the last seven (7) years that some of it could have been avoided by double-checking with others before I make certain decisions. I’ve talked about this recently.

Last year I made a promise to source that I would get a second opinion before deciding what direction to take with medium or large decisions.

A week ago, when I was reading a friends’ manuscript, it occurred to me that I had been moving forward on a big, life changing plan because of the timing of my car accident and had forgotten to check in with others.

Before I got further down this road, I needed to take care of that.

The crazy part is that if somebody else needs information, I can get a clear message for them. Me? Not so much. I know that this is typical.

With a deep sigh to myself I texted the two friends that usually have the time and have excellent connections. I nervously waited for their answers.

The first one came back with a negative. I was pissed! What! How dare she go against what I wanted! Wait…

The second one came back with if this, then that. I set about trying to separate out the two pieces and clearly couldn’t meet the criteria. Well, crap!!

I decided that if the last necessary “yes” to move forward at this time didn’t go through, which I was already pretty sure it would not, that would be my final sign.

But I stomped my foot at breakfast the other day with a good friend and said, “I don’t want to be like everybody else (the four-year-old raises her head).”

My friend said too bad! It works that way.

In the past I would have felt I was in alignment with spirit without double-checking and would have figured out how to get what I needed a yes on through somewhere somehow and moved on. This is the problem.

I am intelligent, stubborn and tenacious. I can make pretty much whatever I want to happen, happen. But if it’s not in alignment with spirit (boy, I never thought I’d say anything like that!) it causes problems and I am unhappy.

The next day I received the call I was waiting for with a no – not a surprise. By now I was resigned.

Then my mind started to whirl around in a panic. What was I going to do? How was I going to be okay? What was going to happen?!?

After a bit I remembered to let go of the ruminating and I sat down to do some work giving myself the time for answers to come. When I was done working, I knew it was going to be just fine.

Using my friends’ Pendulum directions since it had been a long time, I set out to determine how many months I should extend my lease. The answer? Nine (9) months which makes it next April. That feels right.

In addition, this means that I then needed to work out how to live on what I have right now because I’m Still trying to get my web site up. That will most certainly bring me some more income but there are no guarantees.

So, I did a lot of research and came up with a new plan.

If I use the cash that I was holding as a down-payment on the truck for a car, I can make it month to month. Barely, but I do have a cash cushion. It is my intention to live on my monthly income, though.

Previously when heading north I stayed in an Airbnb. I no longer can afford this. Then where do I stay while out of town?

Recently I had worked out that I need to be in Portland twice a month. Once for the overnight to see mom and doctors, and once up and back in a day. The up and back is hard on me, but it is what I can afford.

Hopefully, the new aggressive treatment of my mold infection will help with this.

I’m looking around online and then remembered that I had stayed in a cabin in a state park, so thought maybe that would work. I searched for any camping available outside the metropolitan area where I travel and found two. The cabins were too much, but $40 a night for a tent site is a great price. I made a reservation for this month’s overnight.

It will mean that I drive further, but I will adjust.

So now I needed some camping gear. I went online and spent $100 to order good camping gear. A small Coleman tent, a blow-up mat and a camping chair. Next, I went to a closeout store and purchased two big tubs with lids.

I have filled one with the regular tent/bedding/mat needed to camp along with some outerwear and am working on the other to fill up with everything else. Toiletries that I don’t need to change with soap and other necessities for the shower, etc.

Then all I do is pack what I need (below) and everything else will be in the car.

  1. Clothes – even for a day I take duplicates of some things in case, nothing new.

  2. Food – I always pack food anyway, so this will be the same.

  3. Makeup, toothbrush and my pillow – these usually go too!

This fixes a few issues for me.

  1. I don’t have to pack everything once a month, which turns out to be very difficult for me. Most of it will sit in my vehicle.

  2. Each of these sites have a shower.

  3. The cost is contained.

  4. I will have some outdoor time for now that should be lovely. No A/C, but what can you do?

That is a lot less daunting then everything I used to pack!

By this long story I’m saying that after being mad and disappointed and then finally accepting the situation I was able to get things set up in a better way than before for less money.

Is it my RV ideal? No, but that was apparently too much for me right now so I’m going back to the basics and camping.

Don’t get me wrong, I still feel the RV is a great solution, it’s just going to wait nine (9) months.

Here’s to Change! The one constant in life.


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