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Transitions - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal – 20

Hi all! I am back.

Moved and doing fairly well.

Because of the stress of the move and all that entailed I’m still tired, and, I’ve been able to abstain from sugar since the first of the month!

At first, I felt terrible, but each day it gets a little better.

The cat, Victoria, has been waking me up in the middle of the night crying. I don’t know what is up since I don’t speak cat. I had her broken of that bad habit a week after we moved that developed during the packing, moving and unpacking. Then I traveled north for two days and she’s been back at it since I returned.

I think I’ll wear my earplugs for the next few nights. She’ll get tired sooner or later.

Of course, she has other tricks up her sleeve - like running over me.

Now as she sweetly lays on me, I can’t get mad about it.

This last week I did head north on Tuesday and back on Wednesday. I rented a small SUV due to anticipated snow. Driving up Tuesday at 32 degrees I saw many accidents and was grateful not to participate. Since I’m driving up through the valley of farmland, drivers ended up off the road, down the hill and through a fence into a field. Many others ended up in the grass in the median, and where there was a fence in the middle many sat against that.

I was glad I went as my mother is getting older. You never know when she won’t be here anymore.


My health is okay – quite worn down due to the last six weeks of preparing to move, moving and unpacking. I still don’t have everything set up, but it’s good enough to function in.

This weekend I have a small list of goals toward that end.

I’m back to returning to bed at 8 or 9 in the morning and sleeping for a few hours some days.

Monday I intend to return to Water Aerobics and the Sauna, which is an important component of detoxing the mold infection. I haven’t been to the gym for over two months. Holidays and move.

I found my nostril rinse and unpacked it last week and haven’t seen it since. If I don’t find it today, I will put together another. I need to use that multiple times a day.

My eating is much improved, even though I have greater goals for good eating.

Last week I made a yummy three bean and chicken chili that I’m still enjoying.

My poor blender that I use for my daily smoothie to take my double-dose of cleansing medication is dying. I’m hoping it can hold out a little longer as I don’t have the cash right now to replace it.


The takeaway – the painful decision made over the last few months is obviously (refer to the abstinence from sugar) the right decision. It will take time for me to get back to where I was physically during the next few months.

One last item – I saw and caught up with the kind woman that I mentioned in my earlier post, Do I Have a Mold Infection? while in Portland. What a blessing she is. Having somebody ask me the key question, “Is it like this? Do doctor's ifnd health issues and correct them but it never addresses the underlying issue?” Why YES!

My genuine thanks to Elizabeth, whom I hope to see more often than every six months in the future.

More next week!


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