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Happy Holidays – Overwhelmed Anybody? - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal – 16

Life continues to be busy, and busier.


First, I’ll tell you a great story about Thursday in Portland.

We’d taken our truck up to Stan’s Fords to get the cruise control looked at and hopefully fixed.

They test drove the cruise and when they returned to the bay the clutch fluid blew out. New fluid just went right through onto the floor.

What a blessing that it happened right in the shop. We knew the clutch work was coming, we were just putting it off if possible.

This was especially amazing as we recently had our insurance company pull the towing off our policy for the truck even though the only towing we used was for one event.


Of course, the truck repair changed the rest of the day. My husband re-scheduled his afternoon and we headed home together.

This week I am driving my friend up and back Tuesday. Friday we need to be up for the re-scheduled doctor’s appointment (and, hopefully, to get the truck) and back in time to prepare the taco bar at one of my husband's causes.

He laughed and said, “They must be desperate if they’re having me cook dinner.”

Saturday morning, we take off to deliver our Christmas Gifts to the family in the Seattle area, an approximate six-hour drive one way.

Between now and then we need to make sure we have all the gifts and get them wrapped. If we’re missing something it will hopefully be small.

The week of December 17th things begin to slow down. Ahh.

I am so tired I don’t know how to describe it to you properly.

My body aches – even my eyes hurt. I am experiencing more sinus issues even though I'm still rinsing and my throat is sore more often. Neither good signs. I am both hot and cold, depending. No, I am not sick, this is just some of the fun of having a mold infection and a decline in health, even if temporary.

Today I got up around 8:00 am and it took me until 10:00 am to make breakfast and more coffee. At 11:00 am I went up for my shower, changed and proceeded to completely sweat through my two layers of clothing moving a few things around upstairs and vacuuming. Also a sign of a back-slide.

I took a nap at 1:00 pm, got up at half past two (2) and took my second shower of the day followed by getting dressed for the 3:00 pm wrapping party I committed to. My husband took me and picked me up at 5:00 pm as the truck is still up north being repaired.

He left to babysit our grandson at 6:00 pm and will return by 9:00 pm. I will be long asleep by then.

He will be gone tomorrow until mid-afternoon, so I am going to try and get a few more low-stress Christmas items accomplished at home.

I am concerned about my health. Keeping up with the natural holiday stress and the extensive driving, which is one of the most tiring things for me, is taking a toll.


An Aside on Handling the Holidays with Chronic Illness

A few years ago, I had a tough December with a January break-down. Nobody wants a break-down. So last year I implemented a new policy that worked so well I am using it again this year.

1) After Thanksgiving I am not allowed to say yes to anything new.

2) During December I am not allowed to say yes to anything new and concentrate on getting time sensitive tasks complete and forgetting about everything else.

3) Until mid-January I am not allowed to say yes to anything new and concentrate on getting anything else done that I did not complete in December.


Even with this plan, because of all the trips up and down the freeway, I am feeling like I "used to" because I'm not able to devote the time needed to healing my body.

In the spirit of trying to cut back even further, next Friday I will probably not post but will give you a two-week update on Friday, December 21st.

As to my success on traveling, I have been doing well. Always room for improvement, and I didn’t come home sick from improper eating, so that was a success!!


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