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Travel Challenge to the Concert - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal - 15

As it turned out, I was not feeling well the day of the concert. I went to get both a new dress and a prescription I needed in the morning, and we didn’t get out of town until 4:30, so you’d think that I would have been okay. I tried to rest, twice, and was so excited I couldn’t get a wink even though I was exhausted. My shopping took so much longer than I anticipated I didn’t get home until 2:00 pm, when I should have had my smoothie with the first doses of the cleansing medication at noon or 1:00 pm at the latest.

Because of this delay I had another dose with a salad for dinner on the way out of town and it went down hill from there.

By 8:00 pm when we arrived at the concert, I was pretty sure that it would be tough to get through the entire concert.

After four songs, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and at the first break with the magician, who I couldn’t stand up to watch, I was done. John got permission to leave the concert for a few minutes and take me back to the room, 10 blocks away. He returned to the concert and I got ready for bed.

The place we were staying has bands on the weekend. We rent a room toward the front of the building and they play in the back, but I could feel the bump of the base through the floor.

I laid down, put my headphones in and that’s the last thing I remember until after seven o’clock the next morning when I woke up with stuffy ears. I had only missed my nasal wash once, so that’s another indicator that it might have been one of those days.

So, it could have been the luck of the draw – a bad day that was also busy. Or, it could be that my less than stellar eating a few days before the concert impacted me more than I expected. Or, more likely, a combination of both.

Learning from this trip

Here are the things I would do differently if I had it to do over because I was really bummed that I didn’t get to stay for the concert!

  1. I would have been sure that I didn’t eat so poorly the few days before – mostly a couple of Diet Coke Zero’s so I could “keep up” and don’t usually wipe me out. It can be true, however, that the healthier I get, the more that poor eating affects me.

  2. I would have gotten my dress the day before. I have been so busy I had put it off. Here’s a fun story – I was at Nordstrom going through the clearance rack (yes, I am a bargain hunter) and every-other dress was boxy with ruffles and/or tulip sleeves. I avoided those. My stout frame doesn’t need any help! I said to the gal when I finally found a flattering straighter cut, more fitting dress (or two), “ruffles weren’t good for me when I was a size four (4). They are definitely not flattering on me now.” She laughed and said something like ruffles weren’t good for most people. True that!

  3. I would have made more food – I didn’t get my granola bars done because when I got back, I didn’t think I had the one and a half (1.5) hours that it takes to make, bake, and cool them. I am going to make them today.

This will all help with the Portland trip on Tuesday.


In my opinion, this is one of the greatest challenges of being chronically ill. You can and do have bad days just because and not due to anything you did or did not do.


We did do some shopping for a couple of hours while in town and I got some Amazing cowboy boots at the Outdoor Store. When I picked up the pair I liked best, they were $775. Yes, seven hundred and seventy-five dollars. I’m not spending that (see prior comment on my bargain self.) I happily spent $185 on a plain cowboy boot with leather upper and soles and that was $5 over my budget…

I drove us home in the pouring rain while my husband slept, feeling pretty poorly because he had to take his torturous meds that day.

This afternoon we are going to try and get a bulk of our Christmas shopping done so we can have them wrapped by the weekend we head north. We will drop them off for everybody since we won’t see any of them again until the new year.

Today, self-care around shopping.

Tomorrow the same thing, sans the shopping.

More on my trip north this week next time!


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