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How Far I’ve Come - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal – 13

Happy Friday!

The other day I was talking with a friend who has been sick for nearly a year and we haven’t been in touch. When I was describing my improvements, I realized how far I have come since June and thought that I should document them.

Some things have been mentioned in other posts, so forgive me for any duplication.

Taken from the list of symptoms.


Since June 2018 –

1) Fatigue Instead of sleeping nine (9) hours per night and napping two (2) to four (4) hours per day I am now sleeping nine (9) hours per night and napping 45 minutes every or every-other day.

2) Neurocognitive symptoms Moments of confusion are gone, and my memory is working so much better that I can remember dates and times! I no longer have to write everything down.

3) Tremors/Dizziness/Balance Disturbance This was addressed a few years ago by Cognitive Physical Therapy – I have a lazy eye.

4) Headache Chronic migraines were cured a few years ago and my headaches since are nominal.

5) Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction According to the Mayo clinic “Symptoms are wide-ranging and can include problems with the regulation of heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, perspiration, and bowel and bladder functions. Other symptoms include fatigue, lightheadedness, feeling faint or passing out (syncope), weakness, and cognitive impairment.” Link

I have experienced all of these except the heart rate, blood pressure and bowel functions. I also addressed the feeling faint or passing out above in #3.

The symptom that has been most prevalent and yuckiest is body temperature and perspiration. This is one of the areas I have noticed great improvement. I am so much cooler. Sometimes I still get hot and sweaty if I’m doing physical labor, but I would guess 25 percent of the time compared to June.

My fatigue (see #1) and weakness are so much better. See #2 for my cognitive improvements.

I am stronger. This week I helped a friend with part of her moving, and I no longer have the sensation that when it is time to rest I must either lie down or fall down.

6) Myalgia (muscle pain)/Arthralgia (joint pain) (i.e., Fibro Myalgia) My body is much less sore and creaky in general. I would wake up in the morning and groan just sitting up. My hands have arthritis and those are feeling better.

7) Insomnia My sleep is good right now although I do take 25 mg of diphenhydramine some nights. I have been working on weaning myself off the sleeping pills.

8) Anxiety/Depression/Irritability, mood swings My Psychiatrist and I discuss lowering my chronic severe depression and PTSD medications each session as I am so much better even since June. We have a plan in place.

9) Digestive Issues (SIBO, Candida, food/allergy intolerance, stomach pain, etc.)

My eating has made a huge difference. For many years I have been Gluten Free, but I would sometimes experience bloating and discomfort that has happened perhaps a few times since June when there were times I would feel uncomfortably bloated daily. Sugar cravings are better and most days I do a good job of avoiding the white stuff.

10) Palpitations Anxiety attacks have become increasingly worse since 2011. Since June there is a noticeable decrease.

11) Vasculitis (inflammation of vessels) As far as I know this is not an issue.

12) Skin issues (angioedema, hives, dermatitis, etc.) The Eczema on my elbows for the last six years or so is already about 50% better. In the last couple of years an acne-like rash with white bumps that is not acne, but this weird flaky stuff has arrived on my chin. That seems to be slightly improved.

13) New or increased onset of chemical sensitivity I believe my eating and environmental changes are making a difference. My toxin test came back substantially higher than it should be, and I look forward to seeing the improvement when we test again next year.

14) Thyroid dysfunction This has been treated for years.

15) Immune dysfunction/chronic infections Throughout my life I have suffered from chronic sinus and ear infections as well as yeast infections (Candida). Since June, so far, so good.

16) Autoimmune disease (Sarcoidosis, Hashimotos, etc.) My allergist/immunologist determined that I do have an autoimmune disorder in my antibodies. There hasn’t been enough time to see how much this is improving yet.

17) Rhinitis (runny nose)/Nose bleeds/Sinusitis See # 15 above.

18) Asthma/Chronic cough, chest pain, shortness of breath I am diagnosed with asthma that only shows up when I exercise. While exercising over the last four months, though, I haven’t noticed it.

If I have a bad cold or the flu it will go into my chest and sit there until we apply some serious drugs. Not enough time yet to see the improvement in this second area.

19) Sore throat Goes along with #17 and #18 above.

20) Eye issues (conjunctivitis, dry eyes, vision problems) My vision has been failing for a very long time. We’ll see what happens.

21) Sensitive to static electric shocks I have not had this issue, either.


I believe my weight is a good measurement of many of the above symptoms and it continues to be down 10-15 pounds from June.

I am grateful to have skipped two (2) of the 21 symptoms, and to those doctors that have found and addressed specific areas along the way.

So, here’s to good eating, lots of water and exercising!


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