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Going Weekly - Update on Step 2 Cleansing and Intranasal - 12

Hi all!

I am moving to a weekly blog so that I can say something more helpful than, I look great!

Although this is being posted on a Tuesday (written Monday night), I find Friday’s are in general better and I have a “work” week to talk about which is usually where I have the difficulties. It is the busy-ness and reactive nature of work.

When I was in the workforce I got to work where non-stop meetings and deadlines were the norm. As a result, I often didn’t get lunch when I was supposed to, or if I did, it wasn’t healthy.

At one point I weighed 230 lbs. Today I weigh 175-180.

Now that I am in an ideal situation, working for myself at home, the timing issues can still happen!

For instance today -

7 – 8 am Coffee, breakfast, morning routine.

8 – 9 am Cut my morning time short and get on the

computer for the hour I have to stop any work- related “bleeding.”

9 – 9:45 am Get ready.

10 – 11 am? At the dentist and, depending on when we get done, will be able to return home to make my smoothie with my first two doses of the cleansing meds, or I will need to go to the smoothie place (not as healthy) and mix it in.

11:45 am Head downtown to help a friend move 20 or so boxes (this is an exception, I would usually work during this time) and make sure I get the water I should for the day. It will be more challenging moving boxes...

3:00 pm Home from moving boxes and changing into workout togs so I can go to the gym, have a quick workout, and then sauna.

4:15 pm After cleaning up from the gym, probably at the gym, I am heading for a 4:30 pm meeting.

5:30 pm “Work” day ends and I am heading home for dinner.

My cleansing protocols are in place and for the most part, even though I was out of town all but two days last week, I seem to be managing okay.

Drinking enough water continues to be my biggest challenge.

I’m much less tired – when we started the cleansing in June I was sleeping two (2) – four (4) hours per day – and now I am laying down for 45 minutes, much of the time not sleeping but simply resting.

Last night I made a successful, well-rounded dinner (those of you who know me can applaud now…or sigh. Whatever.) I also had my cleansing medication in plenty of time so it didn’t bond with my night-time meds to take those out of my system with everything else.


Sugar, sugar, sugar

While out of town last week and for the weekend I did well avoiding sugar for the most part. I had some potato, bread and a little bit of chocolate. But I didn’t eat a pint of Haagen Dazs or a package of cookies. Yay me!

It is still a daily struggle not to eat those sugary things I love so well.

When I saw the doctor last week for my Ozone nasal treatment, we talked about how hard it was for me the first six weeks (if you look back, the picture of my eating rewards calendar was pretty dismal) I had a heck of a time. Every day I woke up I had to decide, regardless of how I felt which was continually poorly in the beginning, that I would do my best to follow the eating plan. It was frustrating and not easy on the self-esteem.

Regardless, I re-set every day and tried my best and eventually, I did start to feel better.

As I am getting healthier it is getting easier to be strong with myself and say no to the sugar. When I do say yes, like yesterday, it’s for something outstanding and I do my best to do this on occasion, not regularly.


When we saw our friends this weekend we hadn’t seen since July they, too, were amazed at how much better I look!

Struggles or not, I am grateful.


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