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Continuing to Feel Good! - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal - 11

Yesterday I saw a friend I hadn’t seen for a month or more and she said, “Wow, Sarah, you look great! Your eyes are so clear.”

Why, thank you!

The week was good and busy. I made it to work out and sauna three days (yay me!)

I only woke up once in the middle of the night feeling ill from the Cholestyramine this week, so that’s a win also.


Shower Curtain Liner Mold

Continuing to work on eradicating our environment from mold, we have noticed that our shower curtain liner just won’t get clean after about the second wash. Even with the EC3 laundry additive and bleach.

The recommendation is a Hemp curtain, the only material that usually won’t mold and it can be washed.

How much, you ask? One hundred dollars.

We decided to keep cutting the bottom off our $10 shower curtain and replace it when it gets too short. That should be more like $30 over the next eight months.

We are really trying to save!


I am continuing to go through the boxes of miscellaneous with the goal of cleaning them out. I find old things that smell of mold and they must go including a few of my favorite old books.

Tomorrow I am going to one of the big office supply stores that is closing some of its brick and mortar locations to get supplies for keeping this stuff in order.

Somehow, over the years, I am less attached to many things than I used to be. It’s freeing.


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