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Smooth Sailing - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal – 10

Feeling lots better.

We did a few things around the house on Saturday and managed to list and sell the two items I most recently cleaned out that are in good condition.

Saturday, I napped twice for three hours total and stayed up late (9 p.m.) to watch the Duck Game.

Yesterday I even managed to spend part of the day with my grandson, thanks to my husband taking care of the grocery store the day before. I laid low on Saturday, so I could participate Sunday.

Sunday, I slept for two hours while our grandson napped. To bed at 7:00 p.m., ready to sleep by 8:00 p.m. and up by 6:00 a.m. after a fitful night and will need a nap today.

It feels like I got something accomplished this weekend and did a good job of taking care of myself. That is satisfaction in my world.


A glimpse inside

Yesterday, as I was standing outside waiting for the boys to come downstairs, I thought about how most people don’t stand on the sidewalk for twenty minutes looking at their cell phone and feel the energy drain out of them minute by minute. I finally leaned against the car and that helped.

I spend much of my time both monitoring my energy to make it last as long as possible for the best quality of life probable and working to install positive thinking where a negative situation lives.

It’s a good thing I wear a dynamite pair of Rose-Colored Glasses. I highly recommend them for those with chronic illness.


This weekend and so far today I am on the right track with my meds, eating and feeling as good as possible. My goal again this week is to up the workouts and sauna’s.

Here’s to another good week!!


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