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Poster Child?!? - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal – 9

*When I talk about the Sinus Rinse that my Allergist/Immunologist prescribed for me and my Mold Specialist had me add medication to, NeilMed is what I use.

As you know I drove up and back on Wednesday, saw two doctors and my mother. The night before I had barely slept so it was a day full of lots of caffeine.

I met with my mold specialist for an Intranasal Ozone treatment. It made me feel slightly wonky but only for about 15 minutes.

She said to me that I look great and I am like a mold infection killing poster child! I said not me! Sheesh! No pressure…

Of course, she didn’t know that I had eaten a bag of dark chocolate chips over the previous three-day period and that day I was living on Diet Coke Zero and a blended coffee. On the way home I had French fries for dinner.

My doctor also confirmed that working with the Cholestyramine the way I am is correct. She said to use as much as I can concentrating on the outcome matching what we’re looking for.

That’s good, because that’s exactly where I had landed at my last post.

But both Wednesday and Thursday I was very ill from my first dose of the day… Hmmmm.

Thankfully, I am doing better with my cold. The Prednisone has done its job and while I still cough periodically it’s not from deep in my lungs.


Workouts and Sauna’s

Wednesday, as expected, wiped out my workouts for the rest of the week. I have been sleeping a lot.

Wednesday I left at 8:30 am, drove two hours, went to two doctor's appointments and then to my mother's by 2:00 pm. Left her place at 5:30 pm and drove around an accident on the freeway getting my coffee and fries. By 6:30 pm I was back on I5 heading south and reached home at 8:00 pm.

Yesterday, Thursday, I was back in bed by noon and didn't get up until 2:30 pm. I did go to my 4:30 pm meeting, but felt terrible from the Cholestyramine.

It’s late Friday and I slept several hours right through Water Aerobics today, but I am looking forward to a lovely salad for dinner and early to bed.


Overall, this week was much better than the last few. Having a regular people cold or flu takes a toll while I'm trying to get better. It feels like a huge setback when I can't work out or keep up with life at least as well as usual.

Hopefully I will have something more exciting next time!


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