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Figuring it Out - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal – 8

I’m so grateful to be feeling better today.

About three weeks ago I had a sore throat and headache followed by a head cold. That lasted four days.

Then a week later, about 10 days ago on a Thursday, I started to feel poorly again. Sore throat for a few days followed by a stuffy, stuffy head for about 24 hours and down it went into my lungs.

I've learned rather recently that when you have an autoimmune disorder and it goes into your lungs the only way to kill it is using Prednisone. Even though I realize this is a rough drug, it's what works so I keep it handy and used my 8-day, 10mg doses finishing yesterday.

This morning I do finally feel better, not like I'm trying to hack up a lung each time I cough.

This weekend we traveled to the Tacoma, WA area to see our grandson and I spent much of the time feeling punky.

I do love the pumpkin patch, though!

My weekend eating went well as I kept to my plan. Yay me!

But because I wasn't well last week I moved my two-day trip north to see mom and doctors to Wednesday of this week, making for a 14 hour day including four hours up and down the freeway.

This is when I feel like I really need a driver... along with that PA. My husbands eyes are rolling!

This means taking extra care today and tomorrow keeping my schedule light. No back sliding!


Medication Progress

The Cholestyramine is strange.

· Taking two doses with lunch is still working well.

· If I feel good at 2:30 I have been taking another dose.

· Either way, I have been taking my final dose at 5:00.

Some days I get three doses, and other days four.

But if I try to take four every day, that’s when the nausea and other side effects rear their ugly heads. Either way I have been pushing through those bowel movements. I know! Just want you want to read about, but that is what we're going for here.

The rest of the meds are integrated. I added some to my morning routine and have added notifications to my calendar and notes in strategic locations for the one-offs.


My next goal is to increase workouts and sauna’s.

I found my workout book so will start using the gym for weights, too. I like to use the free weights for upper body exercises targeting different areas and using the machines for a leg circuit each time. Then I can also sauna more often.

This routine is now added to my calendar on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 - 3:30 prior to my 4:30 meeting.

Best laid plans and all that. We’ll see what happens this week and I’ll let you know.


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