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Whoops! - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal – 7

As I promised I did email my doctor and she reminded me that I was supposed to start by working my way up on doses as my body felt comfortable.

I had forgotten all about this but believe I spent the week prior to the last two weeks doing that. I clearly ramped up too quickly.

So, I will back up just a bit and start with two scoops in my smoothie and one scoop later. Yay!

This is my out of town week backed up to a grandson visit in Washington.

I am not going to plan on writing Friday but will get a review up next Monday.

Before getting sick I’d been feeling okay. Even with trying to take too much of the Cholestyramine.

A couple of weeks ago I had a cold and was distressed to wake up yesterday morning with a sore throat again. I tried to support my husband with our grandson, but no such luck. I think I made it 30-minutes.

Having a “regular people” illness is really a drag. I am taking a break in-between naps right now.

It is becoming clear to me that I will have to cancel the first part of my trip. No sense in seeing the doctor or my mother while I’m sick.

I want to show you this anyway.


Here is the schedule I put together over a week ago so that I could have correct expectations for my food –

Note: *My decision on these monthly trips is that I can have a blended coffee each day (that does have a little sugar and milk.) Last trip when I allowed outright sugar (ice cream, cookies, etc.) it was not good!

Note: *While traveling I am with a group, so they will stop for “fast food” on the road. For this I will allow a burger in a lettuce wrap w/out cheese (this is approved eating), a bowl of meat/beans with chips (also approved) or some fries

Note: I added this photo of my plan to the attachments as well. Click on it there if you want a readable schedule.

The other challenge is my son’s that I have dubbed “sugar-ville.” They also cook like regular people; no nut bread at their house.

To combat (yes folks, it is a war) these two situations I am going to allow some potato, rice, regular butter and a little bit of cheese (if I can’t avoid it.) I hope to keep it to Gluten Free breads and I can have a blended coffee, but Absolutely No doses of Sugar.


In my feverish attempts to pack the right food and have a plan to follow for five days, this is what I came up with.

Whatever portion of this plan I do or do not get to test out, I will let you know next Monday.

I am so grateful that I don’t have to try and do this plus work!


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