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Nausea - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal - 6

This will be a short one as I’m not in a great space today.

When the door closes, a window opens. Until then, I'm in the waiting room of life...

This is the end of week 2 of taking the Charcoal replacement, Cholestyramine.

Monday, I managed to mix up my Naltrexone and Itraconazole and began those doses.

After this I will write my doctor a note about my difficulties with the Cholestyramine – feeling like I will throw up, feeling full and nauseous, not sleeping well and just feeling yucky in general - and see if she has any suggestions. I will also check with my Psychiatrist next Wednesday to ask his opinion about how far after I take my last meds in the morning should I take my first dose of Cholestyramine?

After some trial and error, this is what I have landed on:

- First two doses, two scoops, in my smoothie at 12 or 12:30 pm.

- Third dose at 2:30 ish with a snack, preferably high-fiber.

- Fourth dose at dinner.

- Do not slack off on drinking water during the afternoons.

It’s almost time for my first dose of the afternoon – yay! Okay, that was a bit of sarcasm.

Otherwise life is moving right along. I wish I felt as good as I did two weeks ago before I started taking the Cholestyramine, and I'm trying not to complain.

I can’t change what I can’t change.

I’ll try to bring you something more inspirational on Monday.


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