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Time - Update on Step 2 Cleansing with Intranasal – 5

I am feeling better. I still have off days and my every day is mostly better. I am functioning better physically and mentally and am getting much more done during the day. Yay!

Thus, the calendar becomes even more important...

I am a calendar girl. Many years ago a good friend of mine said to me, "you don't even know when your hair is on fire!"

In other words, I would get so busy and stressed out that I wouldn't even know when my life had become unmanageable. I constantly over-committed and didn't seem to know what I was doing until my hair was on fire and somebody else pointed that out to me.

The first time I drafted a calendar all those years ago she looked at it and asked me where my work was on the schedule? I said something like well, it's all the blank spaces. She sent me back to the drawing board.

I rolled my eyes and resisted. I'm an adult, right? I don't need a fricking calendar!


Out of the Mouth of Babes

It was 2000 and my daughter was asking if I would attend her next school event. I said yes, it was on the calendar.

She said something like "that's good, because if it's not on the calendar it doesn't happen."


Now I introduce the calendar to others when appropriate explaining how a calendar has saved my bacon. I even made two templates to get folks started (link) so that I could help them build a calendar. After they complete the exercise of building their basic calendar to my satisfaction, like the template (rarely does anybody draft a calendar the first time with everything on it), then we customize it to their life and their schedule.

One of the symptoms of Mold Infection is Dementia.

Thankfully I do not think I reached that point - but my mind not working has been frustrating and terribly embarrassing. It is like being a stroke victim. I always joke with people it's a good thing I have such high self-esteem.

One day my mom, at 86, said to me, "Sarah, your brain is working like mine!" I replied that was not such a good thing since I was 52 at the time.

It did help to know somebody else couldn't get the darned thing to work correctly either!

This is how my brain didn't work at its worst, since 2013:

  • I would have “moments” of confusion, around 30 seconds I believe, in places where I had been a thousand times. I made a rule for myself when this happened so that I didn't freak out. Breathe and keep moving forward. It would clear up and I was back to normal.

  • Dates and/or times became especially confusing. The information would go in and it was like somebody was shuffling a deck of cards in my brain with dates and times on it. I couldn't keep up, never knew what was going to come out or couldn't seem to grasp one card.

  • When in conversation the information would go in and my mind would go back to get the data on "train" or whatever and, dial tone. Or I would get a picture. Fortunately, I have a large vocabulary, but I still had bizarre things happen like intending to say Vancouver and out of my mouth clearly came Vampire.

The calendar started out as a tool to help me keep my stress level down by not overcommitting.

Today and especially during the last six (6) years with the way my brain has been, it has been a life saver. I now live and breathe my calendar.

The screen shot at the top of the page is this week's calendar.

It's messier than usual because I added my additional protocols that say, "Make drink, take …." so I don't lose track of the time.

After being so sick off and on last week with the Cholestyramine bonder (timing of taking this explained in Friday's blog "Three (3) more protocols...") because I wasn't taking it steadily and/or getting enough water around that time, I decided to make an adjustment in my calendar.

I need dedicated time in the afternoon to make sure I'm not distracted from getting everything done. I can also put together my Itraconazole, make food, take a mat and a nap and work out without feeling like I should be doing something else.

As you can see on the above screen shot, in the mornings there is a long strip that says "Work" and in the afternoon "Self-Care/Health"

I will be sure and let you know how this works. What I can tell you is as soon as I thought that might be a good idea, and my husband agreed, I felt a sense of relief.


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