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EFT and Travel Weekend Eating - Update on Cleansing - 12

We had a fantastic weekend in the high desert. It was clear of wildfire smoke for the most part and stayed in the 70's.

Our lodgings were on a quiet five (5) acres with a love seat outside hanging between two trees that we used for Breakfasts and Dinner.

We travelled Friday and arrived later than expected. Saturday we were up and out tripping around the area going through the small towns finding good coffee and in my husband's case, some good things to eat.

Sunday we were packed and out by 10 am and drove home via one of our favorite coffee spots in another small town. We got an anniversary coffee mug and coffee beans for ourselves. It has been a long time since we've been able to do that!

I was exhausted by this point. Overall, I am feeling better -naps are still my friends.

No nap on Friday, a 45-minute nap on Saturday and a 2.5-hour nap when we returned home on Sunday.

My eating was okay. Nothing way off the tracks and I ate what I brought. Each day I did have something that isn't on my prescribed eating, though. A diet Pepsi, a sweet coffee and granola with yogurt.

Now that school is nearly back in session I will see how much easier it is for me to stay on track with my schedule in place. I seem to be more successful in many ways when my schedule is regular.

I did not once take out my journal or my tapping. We were having too much fun and I was trying to keep up with my hubby.

So, I tapped this morning.

"Even though I am afraid I will disappear when I eat as prescribed, I deeply and completely accept myself." Repeat.

Again, I am feeling better even though I didn't eat perfectly this weekend, or last week for that matter.

I wanted something sweet last night and when I woke up this morning the craving was gone. Yay!

I'm counting my overall progress so far, a win. I want to win right into great health!

More on Friday.


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