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Emotional Freedom Tapping - Update on Cleansing - 10

My commitment is to post Monday and Friday now that "summer" is over and my life is back to some semblance of order, I have it on my calendar.

Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT)

Yes, this sounds kind of weird and it really works. I know this because I was such a skeptic and have since learned the power of EFT (used to be called Callahan Tapping.)

In case you are not familiar with EFT or would like a refresher, I have attached Gary Craig's map and instructions.

His maps that the instructions refers to are above.


My EFT plan


As you tap through the sequence (see the gallery at the end of this post for the directions) I was taught to say "Even though I have this (fill in the blank - the problem) I deeply and completely accept myself."

While tapping in each location about five (5) times, I repeat -

"Even though I am afraid I will disappear when I eat as prescribed, I deeply and completely accept myself."

Today through Friday I will go through this series twice, at least once a day.

Friday I will report my progress!

Happy Tapping!

(If you go to his web site - see the link above - below the information here he also provides a video if you prefer.)


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