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Positive Reinforcement - Update on Cleansing - 5

Here is my first Positive Reinforcement calendar that starts today. I will post an update of my progress as the week goes by.

Something is missing, though, and that is a few items that I can choose to eat one time during my four days.

  • 1 serving Popcorn (corn is to be eaten with care)

  • Go out for a Smoothy (some fruit juice - not approved)

  • Have one home made PB Cup (all approved, but I can't have one every day!)

I'll write these choices on the top of the calendar.

I just finished the laundry for the first of my two dressers. One item came out still smelling terrible...

There are many more drawers and cupboards to clean.

Last week I did make it to my first Water Aerobics, but I didn't make it to the second because family came to town and while I love to see them, I was too tired.

This week I anticipate re-setting my routine as vacation is essentially over.

I look forward to continuing to work on my health. Eating as prescribed, drinking 200 oz of water a day, taking a sauna 3-4 times a week and going to Water Aerobics.

Life is Good.


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