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Update on Cleansing - 2

The week of July 9 - 14, 2018

It has been a little rough.

Monday and Tuesday I felt okay.

Wednesday morning I left at 9:45 am sweating profusely after a busy morning and then hauling everything down to the car in the already 80 degrees.

Wednesday and Thursday were in the 90’s. Wednesday night I stayed out having fun and had some Frozen Yogurt, which is not on my approved list.

Thursday I woke up feeling wonky. Hmmm. Probably the FroYo.

It was a rough day. Feeling terrible I bought myself a non-approved kick a** coffee before hitting the freeway at 3 pm. Traffic was unreal - it took me over three (3) hours instead of two (2) to drive home.

When I pulled into our covered spot at 7 pm I could barely get everything upstairs. I wanted to leave my suitcase and bags inside the front door and go to bed.

I finally collapsed into bed at 7:45 pm and was asleep before 8:30 pm.

Yesterday morning my alarm went off at 7:30 am but I went back to sleep and missed one of my appointments at 9 am. Uggg.

So out of the three weeks I’ve been eating differently, I’ve twice eaten non-approved foods and it made me feel worse. In one case it made me sick to my stomach, which doesn’t happen to me.

Today and tomorrow I am going to take care of myself in preparation for vacation on Monday. Then I can be with my husband instead of sleeping all the time. I will make it a goal to hit the Sauna tomorrow.

What did I learn?

  1. Pack my food more precisely when out-of-town. See my food plan for this week's trip below.

  2. Take more water - I wasn't even drinking the 150 oz's I built up to daily. Goal: 200 oz/day.

  3. Print out my meal plan for the week for reference.

  4. Add sauna to my calendar.

  5. Be easy with myself as the month of July is always our busiest.

Onward and upward!

PS - My food plan for our four-day three night trip:


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