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Update on Cleansing

I need to come up with some cool way to title these blogs. Who wants to read "Update...?" If you have any ideas, please let me know.

As a result of the changes in my eating I am so very tired. All of the time. I feel like I'm dragging myself through each day. More tired than usual. Even with the helpful supplements the doctor gave me. If I don't pick up in energy by the end of this month, I will ask her about it.


I am off and on grumpy.

I took Monday completely off and started building a jigsaw puzzle, which calms and centers me. I haven't worked on one for six months or so.

I am also working diligently to return to my mourning routine. Once my hubbie is done with vacation at the end of the month, this will be easier.

My morning routine (don't judge):

  • Drink coffee and watch a saved show.

  • Listen to pages 86-88 in the Big Book of AA.

  • The daily reading from Body, Mind, and Spirit (Hazelden).

  • Look at my calendar to see what's scheduled.

  • Morning phone call.

  • Journal

Many of these I weave into other morning tasks.

When I have my morning routine dialed in, I seem to immerge much happier.

Part B - Cleansing


My eating has been very difficult and somehow, I've been making it. I had several problems with my original plan:

1) Too much cooking,

2) The breakfast wasn't sticking with me and

3) As a result it felt like purgatory.

Drinking 200 oz's of water a day has been impossible as well. I'm still trying new tactics to make it work better and will let you know.

I did discover that Jamba Juice has a whole fruit smoothie and I can bring my own Lactose-free milk to replace the fruit juice (too much sugar and no fiber), and add their Kale and Chai Seeds, and Voila!

Here is my updated eating plan:

Every day the following:

Breakfast – Oats/Barley (I will switch this up once a week with a pancake)

Lunch – Salad (or dinner leftovers)


3-5 days a week

Blended or any Quick Meal

1-2 days July 5-8

Dinner – Black Bean Enchiladas

Cauliflower Stir-fry if it’s still good

2 days July 9-15

Dinner – Chili

Improved Meat Balls

As you can see this is only cooking twice a week. Yay! I am attaching a link to my entire meals and foods workbook updated for you. Don't be afraid...


This is much easier than the food. I went once Sunday and Tuesday. My first time was three (3) minutes, my second 10! I only need 20 and I'm good to go.

I will go again today. My intention is to go once on the weekend and Mon/Weds/Fri. Since this seems to be easier than the eating - I am capitalizing on it!


I haven't specifically brought this up, but exercise is good! It also releases all sorts of toxins.

So, when I joined the gym, I did so planning to take their water aerobics class.

Originally I intended to start next week, but I'm out of town two days and know better than that.

The week of July 16th I will start with two water aerobics classes. They are held just after 9 in the morning - should be perfect. I joked with the guy signing me up that I look forward to working out with the seniors. He laughed.

Wait, I'm now 55. Am I a senior? Nah. That's got to be 62 or something...

Yesterday at Old Navy I also found flip-flops (for the gym shower) $2 each and a great one-piece swim suite for 50% off, $25. Now I'm all set!

The one-piece is thick ribbed solid black with a wide neck that sweeps out to the shoulders. Super cute!

That's it for now. Looking forward to reporting how my new eating plan is working and how I work out drinking 200 oz's of water a day!


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